Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Limbs and Phantoms

Sunday morning Ethan witnessed a theological discussion, variations of which occur quite often in our family.
Hannah (holding the door wide open as we are entering church): God doesn’t have a body, right?
Ali (entering, skeptical as always): Well, Hannah, it’s not that easy. Remember, Jesus, God-the-Son has a body.
It’s not hard for Hannah to remember this. I remember two years ago when she found out that Christ’s resurrected body still bore the marks of the nails. Why didn’t God fix the holes? That’s not fair!! She screamed. She wept.
Jojo (certain, but modest): But, God-the-Holy-Ghost doesn’t have a body.
Everybody agrees. A diminutive council of Nicea. They’re all running into the nursery now.
Sunday evening right before going to bed, Ethan signals that he has an important truth to communicate. Often these are performances aiming to delay bedtime.
Ethan (certain and too self-aware): Dad, God-the-Holy-Spirit is a ghost.
I have a quick flash to Ezekiel’s valley of dead bones. If the little orthodox council were still awake, they wouldn’t allow Ethan to conceptualize God’s breath as a ghost. So, I tell him about wind, breath, fire, whisper, and vitality. We talk until it is way past his bedtime.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Soccer season is over

My favorite soccer team and the technical advisers.

My favorite soccer team!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Ethan's daily liturgy (ad and counter-ad)

Prime: Mom, can I wear my Spiderman outfit? (Spiderman is his favorite superhero)

Sext: Mom, can I change into my Superman outfit? (Superman is his second favorite. Superman is usually employed in sports-related outdoorish events)

Vespers: Dad, can I wear my Batman jemmies? ( Despite the Batmobile, Batman always comes third)

Today I received an ad from Circuit City. Jessica Alba and the other three Fantastics figured prominently on a plasma screen TV, fire in the background, advertising the new Rise of the Silver Surfer release. Below the flashy images, blank words in dark surrounds, dull font:
"Father's Day Gifts So Fantastic, He'll Feel Like A Superhero"

Here's my response. An incredulous stare, and some signs in a cool font:

"If you're raising fathers, name them "Vigil". The bells are tolling midnight."

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Isaiah 11:6

Me: Jojo what's you're favorite animal?
Jojo (without any hesitation, joyful flicker dancing in her eyes): The mermaid.
I explain to her that the mermaid is not a natural biological kind. J-P and I once thought a cultural theorist would have a heyday running a genealogy of "the mermaid" in the public imagination. For clearly, it is a socio-psychological, cultural and political trope. I ask Jojo to try again.
Jojo (the flicker is gone): The dolphin.
Me: Why?
Jojo: Because they're playful; they hug and don't bite humans. Oh, and they're really smart.
Me: Ethan, what's your favorite animal?
Ethan (matter of factish, but with a studied rasp in his voice): The shark.
I remembered the time when Jojo dressed the little shark in her Little Mermaid swimming suit. I remember the mutual delight they took in one another. It's clear for Jojo Isaiah would read: "...and the mermaid shall swim side by side with the shark"

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ali, Ethan, Natalie

JoJo and Natalie Marie

Jojo and Ethan wearing underpants!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ethan and Jojo disappeared upstairs for a while. When they emerged into the world, they came dressed like this. You can detect the brilliance of success in Jojo's smile, and the grateful enjoyment of being patronized in Ethan's gaze.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Yesterday at Clay Park (our old park)

Jojo shivering

Happy sisters forever!

Happy sisters

Ali posing

Hannah swinging

Ethan climing over the wooden fence
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